NIMJN-CANSA Climate Reporting Fellowship 2024 NIMJN Sep 14, 2024

Nepal Investigative Multimedia Journalism Network (NIMJN) and Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA) invite journalists from Nepal to apply for the NIMJN-CANSA Climate Reporting Fellowship 2024 to research and report on the following themes:
1) Non-Economic Loss and Damage caused by extreme weather events.
2) Non-Economic Loss and Damage caused by slow onset events.
3) Non-Economic Loss and Damage in Adaptation Planning.

Application Deadline: September 26, 2024

Apply here.

Terms of the Fellowship
1) Two Fellowships are offered for four months beginning October 1, 2024
2) Selected fellows will work in close coordination with NIMJN using the lenses of climate justice, vulnerable groups such as women and children, livelihoods and so on.
3) Fellows are encouraged to produce multimedia stories using the Solutions Journalism framework. Video stories are encouraged.
4) Fellows are expected to produce at least two pieces of work during the fellowship, and they will receive a monthly stipend for four months.

5) Stories will be published in NIMJN and on the CANSA website, including its partner organisations, after the editorial process is completed. If Fellows who are employed by media organizations would like their work to be in their media, it may be published on the same day or afterward with the following credit line: “This story was supported by a fellowship awarded by NIMJN and Climate Action Network South Asia.”
6) Applicants should fill this form  with clear proposals (in not more than 700 words) which will be judged on the basis of their relevance, impact, new information or insights, work plan, innovative storytelling including data visualization, and focus on vulnerable groups among other criteria. The jury comprises people with long experience and expertise in loss and damage, climate induced migration and the media. The decision of the jury will be final and binding.
7) The medium of work will be English or Nepali.

Who can apply, how to apply:
1) The Fellowship is open to journalists/ media fellows with minimum experience of five years in print, online news portal, radio or television, or minimum of five years of research and academic work in Nepal.
2) Applicants must have a keen interest in Climate Change, environmental and developmental issues as well as demonstrable work shown through copies or links to their stories or academic work. Freelancers can provide reference of their
previous work with by-lines, researchers and scholars may provide links to published papers in recognised journals.
3) Applicants must provide a ‘letter of support’ from their current editor/employer, as the case may be, assuring the Fellow’s time to the CANSA-NIMJN Fellowship through its entire duration and, in the case of media, willingness to publish the
articles written by the Fellows in their publication/channels.
4) Groups of journalists/ media fellows are eligible to apply but the application must be made in the name of one lead applicant who will be responsible for all communication with CANSA-NIMJN and receive funds on the group’s behalf, if awarded.
5) All applicants must fill out the application form. The deadline for application is September 26, 2024.

6) Selected Fellows are expected to follow ethical procedures during field work, and display a strong sense of respect for people and their culture, as well as seek appropriate and due consent from people they meet and interview or photograph.

All representation of data and people is the sole responsibility of the selected fellows and NIMJN-CANSA shall not take responsibility for it.
For queries: [email protected]


Nepal Investigative Multimedia Journalism Network (NIMJN) र  Climate Action Network South Asia (CANSA)  ले नेपालका पत्रकारहरूलाई क्लाईमेट रिपोर्टिङ फेलोशिप २०२४ का लागि निम्न विषयमा अनुसन्धान तथा रिपोर्टिंगका लागि अनुरोध गर्दछ ।
१. चरम मौसमी घटनाहरूले गर्दा हुने गैर आर्थिक हानि नोक्सानी ।
२. मौसम परिवर्तनमा भएका ढिलाईले हुने गैर आर्थिक हानि नोक्सानी ।
३. अनुकूलन योजनामा ​​गैर आर्थिक हानि नोक्सानी ।

आवेदन मिति : सेप्टेम्बर २६, २०२४ सम्म  ।

यहाँ आवेदन दिनुहोस्।

फेलोशिपका सर्तहरू:
१. अक्टोबर १, २०२४ देखि ४ महिनासम्म सम्बन्धित विषयमा दुईवटा रिपोर्टिंग गर्नु पर्नेछ ।  
२. छानिएका फेलोहरूले जलवायु न्याय, महिला र बालबालिका जस्ता जोखिममा परेका समूहहरू, जीविकोपार्जन र यस्तै अन्य कुराहरूको सवालमा NIMJN सँग  नजिक रही समन्वयमा काम गर्नु पर्नेछ ।
३.फेलोहरूलाई सोलुसन जर्नालिजम फ्रेमवर्क प्रयोग गर्दै विशेषगरी, भिडियो स्टोरी तथा अन्य मल्टिमिडिया स्टोरीहरू उत्पादन गर्न प्रोत्साहित गरिन्छ।
४. फेलोहरूले फेलोशिपको बखत कम्तिमा दुईवटा स्टोरी उत्पादन गर्ने अपेक्षा गरिन्छ र उनीहरूले चार महिनाको लागि मासिक रुपमा फेलोशिप रकम (stipend) प्राप्त गर्नेछन्।
५.सम्पादन पछि स्टोरीहरू NIMJN र CANSA को वेबसाइट सहित यी संस्थाका साझेदार संस्थाको वेबसाइटमा प्रकाशित गरिनेछ । फेलोहरु आवद्ध रहेको संस्थाले स्टोरी प्रकाशन प्रशारण गर्न चाहेमा सोही दिन वा त्यसपछि श्रेय र श्रोत सहित प्रकाशित गर्न पाउनेछन् । उल्लेख गर्नुपर्ने श्रेय र श्रोत यसप्रकार छ - यो स्टोरी NIMJN र CANSA द्वारा प्रदान गरिएको फेलोशिप अन्तर्गत तयार गरिएको हो ।

६.आवेदकहरूले स्पष्ट प्रस्तावहरू ( ७०० भन्दा बढी शब्दहरूमा) यो फारममा भर्नुपर्छ र यो विषय सान्दर्भिकता, प्रभाव, नयाँ जानकारी वा अन्तर्दृष्टि, कार्य योजना, डाटा भिजुलाईजेसनको आधारमा मूल्यांकन गरिनेछ । साथै, अन्य मापदण्डका बीचमा जोखिममा रहेकाहरुको समुदायहरुलाई केन्द्रित गरी नवीन कथा कथनमा ध्यान दिनु पर्नेछ । निर्णायक मण्डलले हानि नोक्सानी, जलवायु प्रेरित प्रवास र सञ्चारमाध्यममा लामो अनुभव र विशेषज्ञता भएका व्यक्तिहरू समावेश छन्। निर्णायक मण्डलको निर्णय अन्तिम हुनेछ।

७. कामको माध्यम अंग्रेजी वा नेपाली हुनेछ।


Note: Priority will be given to early-career journalists and journalists from DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) backgrounds.
